Breathwork Classes

Clearing Stress and Anxiety with Your Breath

Clearing Stress and Anxiety with Your Breath

Note: This is an in Person Class located in Juneau, Alaska at the Glacier Salt Cave & Spa (917 Glacier Ave.) Join us and enjoy the benefits of Himalayan Salt therapy at the same time you practice breathwork.

In today's fast-paced world, stress and anxiety have become all too common. We are constantly bombarded with deadlines, expectations, and pressures that can leave us feeling overwhelmed. But what if I told you that there is a simple yet powerful tool that can help you clear away stress and anxiety? Enter the class to clear stress and anxiety with your breath. This unique class focuses on harnessing the power of our breath to bring about a sense of calm and relaxation. Participants will tap into their body's natural ability to reduce stress and anxiety by using deep belly breathing in a rhythmic pattern that activates the body's relaxation response, leading to a sense of peace and tranquility. So why not give it a try? Join the class and discover how the power of your breath can help you clear away stress and anxiety, leaving you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

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Breathwork on the Beach

Breathwork on the Beach

Special Event: Sign up for the class and bring a friend for free!

Note: This is an in Person Class located in Juneau, Alaska. For this class we will meet at the Rainforest Trail trailhead in North Douglas. From there we will hike to the beach for our breathwork session. Round trip hiking distance is a little less than a mile.

Experience a unique breathwork class in the breathtaking landscapes of southeast Alaska. Join me on a hike through the forest to reach a secluded beach, where you will immerse yourself in the rejuvenating energy of nature. By practicing focused breathing techniques, you'll create inner tranquility, a serene state of mind, and the capacity to observe your thoughts without any judgment. You definitely don't want to miss out on this incredible chance to connect with nature in a new way and boost your overall well-being. What are you waiting for?

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Changing Self Talk Using Your Breath

Changing Self Talk Using Your Breath

Note: This is an in Person Class located in Juneau, Alaska at the Glacier Salt Cave & Spa (917 Glacier Ave.) Join us and enjoy the benefits of Himalayan Salt therapy at the same time you practice breathwork.

I AM Statements are powerful. In your everyday life, how you talk to yourself is super important. It's crucial to be aware of the impact your inner voice has on you because it can shape how you see yourself and affect your actions. If your inner voice is always criticizing and putting you down, it can hold you back and limit your potential. But what if you could turn that negative self-talk into something positive? What if you could let go of those old beliefs that hold you back and embrace new ones? In this breathwork class you will have a chance to let go of the old stories you've been telling yourself and fill up with positive ones. You'll discover your own worth and tap into your unlimited potential. It's time to break free from self-doubt and start treating yourself with the love, respect, and kindness you deserve. Remember, your potential knows no bounds - it's time to unleash it!

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Breathwork on the Beach

Breathwork on the Beach

Note: This is an in Person Class located in Juneau, Alaska. For this class we will meet at the Rainforest Trail trailhead in North Douglas. From there we will hike to the beach for our breathwork session. Round trip hiking distance is a little less than a mile.

Experience a unique breathwork class in the breathtaking landscapes of southeast Alaska. Join me on a hike through the forest to reach a secluded beach, where you will immerse yourself in the rejuvenating energy of nature. By practicing focused breathing techniques, you'll create inner tranquility, a serene state of mind, and the capacity to observe your thoughts without any judgment. You definitely don't want to miss out on this incredible chance to connect with nature in a new way and boost your overall well-being. What are you waiting for?

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Breathwork on the Beach

Breathwork on the Beach

Note: This is an in Person Class located in Juneau, Alaska. For this class we will meet at the Rainforest Trail trailhead in North Douglas. From there we will hike to the beach for our breathwork session. Round trip hiking distance is a little less than a mile.

Experience a unique breathwork class in the breathtaking landscapes of southeast Alaska. Join me on a hike through the forest to reach a secluded beach, where you will immerse yourself in the rejuvenating energy of nature. By practicing focused breathing techniques, you'll create inner tranquility, a serene state of mind, and the capacity to observe your thoughts without any judgment. You definitely don't want to miss out on this incredible chance to connect with nature in a new way and boost your overall well-being. What are you waiting for?

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Breathwork Techniques to Bring Clarity & Self-Confidence

Breathwork Techniques to Bring Clarity & Self-Confidence

In our exciting journey through life, it's completely normal to have moments of self-doubt and lack of clarity. That's why I'm thrilled to introduce this upcoming class, where I'll teach you a transformative breathwork technique that will help align your body, bringing about a wonderful sense of harmony and focus. During this class, you'll discover how to direct your breath into three specific areas of your body: the heart, mind, and gut. By doing so, you'll bring these vital aspects of yourself into alignment to bring in clarity and self-confidence.

Unlike my previous classes, which focused on clearing blocked emotions, this class introduces new techniques that I haven't taught before. You definitely don't want to miss out on this amazing opportunity to learn and grow!

So, join me as we continue the journey of self-discovery and empowerment? Together, we'll unlock the incredible power of breath and learn practical ways to bring in clarity and self-confidence.

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Soul Roaring Breathwork

Soul Roaring Breathwork

Note: This is an in Person Class located in Juneau, Alaska at the Glacier Salt Cave & Spa (917 Glacier Ave.) Join us and enjoy the benefits of Himalayan Salt therapy at the same time you practice breathwork.

Let's pause to reconnect with our inner selves through Souling Roaring Breathwork. This empowering and nurturing practice combines the ancient wisdom of breathwork with modern mindfulness techniques. Through rhythmic breathing exercises and guided meditation, you will tap into the depths of your soul, unlocking hidden insights and healing pathways. Immerse yourself in the serenity of this spiritual adventure, as you navigate scenic landscapes of the mind and heart. Join us on this transformative path toward inner peace, rejuvenation, and a profound sense of self. Let your soul roar with vitality and purpose.

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Breathwork for Connection

Breathwork for Connection

Note: This is an in Person Class located in Juneau, Alaska at the Glacier Salt Cave & Spa (917 Glacier Ave.) Join us and enjoy the benefits of Himalayan Salt therapy at the same time you practice breathwork.

Step into a realm of tranquility and self-discovery as we explore the power of breathwork for connection. In this transformative journey, we will unlock the profound wisdom that lies within our breath, guiding us towards personal growth and emotional healing. Harnessing the energy of our breath, we embark on a spiritual adventure, opening ourselves to a deeper sense of connection with ourselves, others, and the world around us. Through the gentle rhythm of inhales and exhales, we invite serenity, rejuvenation, and a profound understanding of our own unique essence. Join us on this scenic path of mindfulness and embrace the transformative power of breathwork.

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Breathwork to Increase Your Potential

Breathwork to Increase Your Potential

Note: This is an in Person Class located in Juneau, Alaska at the Glacier Salt Cave & Spa (917 Glacier Ave.) Join us and enjoy the benefits of Himalayan Salt therapy at the same time you practice breathwork.

Ready to reach new heights in your life? Just as we can't reach them using the same tools and habits, we need to adapt our approach to self-care and well-being. In this class, we'll start a journey of empowerment and renewal, tapping into the amazing potential of breathwork to elevate every aspect of our lives. Through intentional Circular Breathwork, we'll create a quiet space within ourselves, nurturing intentions that radiate resilience and vibrant living. This isn't just about letting go of negativity; it's about embracing the boundless potential within and cultivating a mindset of abundance and fulfillment. Let's step into our full potential, harnessing the transformative power of breath to manifest joy, abundance, and profound well-being.

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Changing Self Talk Using Your Breath

Changing Self Talk Using Your Breath

Note: This is an in Person Class located in Juneau, Alaska at the Glacier Salt Cave & Spa (917 Glacier Ave.) Join us and enjoy the benefits of Himalayan Salt therapy at the same time you practice breathwork.

I AM Statements are powerful. In your everyday life, how you talk to yourself is super important. It's crucial to be aware of the impact your inner voice has on you because it can shape how you see yourself and affect your actions. If your inner voice is always criticizing and putting you down, it can hold you back and limit your potential. But what if you could turn that negative self-talk into something positive? What if you could let go of those old beliefs that hold you back and embrace new ones? In this breathwork class you will have a chance to let go of the old stories you've been telling yourself and fill up with positive ones. You'll discover your own worth and tap into your unlimited potential. It's time to break free from self-doubt and start treating yourself with the love, respect, and kindness you deserve. Remember, your potential knows no bounds - it's time to unleash it!

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Clearing Stress and Anxiety with Your Breath

Clearing Stress and Anxiety with Your Breath

Note: This is an in Person Class located in Juneau, Alaska at the Glacier Salt Cave & Spa (917 Glacier Ave.) Join us and enjoy the benefits of Himalayan Salt therapy at the same time you practice breathwork.

In today's fast-paced world, stress and anxiety have become all too common. We are constantly bombarded with deadlines, expectations, and pressures that can leave us feeling overwhelmed. But what if I told you that there is a simple yet powerful tool that can help you clear away stress and anxiety? Well, here it is! This unique class focuses on harnessing the power of our breath to bring about a sense of calm and relaxation. Tap into your body's natural ability to reduce stress and anxiety by using deep belly breathing in a rhythmic pattern that activates the body's relaxation response, leading to a sense of peace and tranquility. So why not give it a try? Join the class and discover how the power of your breath can help you clear away stress and anxiety, leaving you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

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Soul Roaring Breathwork

Soul Roaring Breathwork

Note: This is an in Person Class located in Juneau, Alaska at the Glacier Salt Cave & Spa (917 Glacier Ave.) Join us and enjoy the benefits of Himalayan Salt therapy while you practice breathwork.

Let's pause to reconnect with our inner selves through Soul Roaring Breathwork. This empowering and deep practice combines the ancient wisdom of breathwork with modern mindfulness techniques. Using guided rhythmic breathing, you will tap into the depths of your soul, releasing those emotions that you've been carrying for so long. Immerse yourself in the serenity of this spiritual adventure, as you do the hard work to let go of the past. Join Cindee as she guides you on this transformative path toward inner peace, rejuvenation, and a profound sense of self. Let your soul roar with vitality and purpose.

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Meditation to Reduce Stress & Anxiety

Meditation to Reduce Stress & Anxiety

Experience the Influence of Meditation and Open the Door to Serenity and Peace

Uncover the potential of meditation to access a realm of tranquility and calmness. Alleviate stress and anxiety with effective methods that will revitalize and refresh your being. This class integrates breathwork and mindful meditation to revolutionize your state of being. Seize command of your mental well-being and commence a voyage towards inner peace and tranquility. Enroll in our meditation workshop today and commence a life free of stress!

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***Please note this is a virtual class. The start and end times are Alaska Standard time. A zoom link will be sent to your email the day before the scheduled class.***

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Mindful Breathwork

Mindful Breathwork

Discover the transformative power of mindful breathwork and unlock a world of stress reduction, mental clarity, and emotional balance. With this practice, you can tap into your body's natural ability to calm the mind, reduce anxiety, and find inner peace. Whether you're a beginner or experienced in mindfulness, our Mindful Breathwork class offers valuable techniques and guidance to help you cultivate a deeper connection with yourself. Take a breath, let go of stress, and embark on a journey towards a more balanced and fulfilling life. Join us today!

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***Please note this is a virtual class. The start and end times are Alaska Standard time. A zoom link will be sent to your email the day before the scheduled class.***

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Soul Roaring Breathwork

Soul Roaring Breathwork

Let's pause to reconnect with our inner selves through Soul Roaring Breathwork. This empowering and nurturing practice combines the ancient wisdom of breathwork with modern mindfulness techniques. Through rhythmic breathing exercises and guided meditation, you will tap into the depths of your soul, unlocking hidden insights and healing pathways. Immerse yourself in the serenity of this spiritual adventure, as you navigate scenic landscapes of the mind and heart. Join us on this transformative path towards inner peace, rejuvenation, and a profound sense of self. Let your soul roar with vitality and purpose.

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***Please note this is a virtual class. The start and end times are Alaska Standard time. A zoom link will be sent to your email the day before the scheduled class.***

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Introduction to Breathwork

Introduction to Breathwork

Are you interested in experiencing the transformative power of breathwork? Now is the perfect time to embrace this life-changing practice and give it a go! Let Cindee be your trusted guide as she leads you through a journey that will deeply connect you to your heart. Who knows, this breathwork experience might just have the same profound impact on your life as it did on ours.

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***Please note this is a virtual class. The start and end times are Alaska Standard time. A zoom link will be sent to your email the day before the scheduled class.***

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Clearing Stress and Anxiety with Your Breath

Clearing Stress and Anxiety with Your Breath

In today's fast-paced world, stress and anxiety have become all too common. We are constantly bombarded with deadlines, expectations, and pressures that can leave us feeling overwhelmed. But what if I told you that there is a simple yet powerful tool that can help you clear away stress and anxiety? Enter the class to clear stress and anxiety with your breath. This unique class focuses on harnessing the power of our breath to bring about a sense of calm and relaxation. Participants will tap into their body's natural ability to reduce stress and anxiety by using deep belly breathing in a rhythmic pattern that activates the body's relaxation response, leading to a sense of peace and tranquility. So why not give it a try? Join the class and discover how the power of your breath can help you clear away stress and anxiety, leaving you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

This class includes a 72-hour replay of class. The recording will be sent to all registrants after the conclusion of class.

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***Please note this is a virtual class. The start and end times are Alaska Standard time. A zoom link will be sent to your email the day before the scheduled class.***

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Introduction to Breathwork

Introduction to Breathwork


Are you interested in experiencing the transformative power of breathwork? Now is the perfect time to embrace this life-changing practice and give it a go! Let Cindee be your trusted guide as she leads you through a journey that will deeply connect you to your heart. Who knows, this breathwork experience might just have the same profound impact on your life as it did on ours. Best of all, it's completely free!

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***Please note this is a virtual class. The start and end times are Alaska Standard time. A zoom link will be sent to your email the day before the scheduled class.***

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Soul Roaring Breathwork

Soul Roaring Breathwork

Embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and deep connection with the power of Soul Roaring Breathwork. This empowering and nurturing practice combines the ancient wisdom of breathwork with modern mindfulness techniques. Through rhythmic breathing exercises and guided meditation, you will tap into the depths of your soul, unlocking hidden insights and healing pathways. Immerse yourself in the serenity of this spiritual adventure, as you navigate scenic landscapes of the mind and heart. Join us on this transformative path towards inner peace, rejuvenation, and a profound sense of self. Let your soul roar with vitality and purpose.

This class includes a 72-hour replay of class. The recording will be sent to all registrants after the conclusion of class.

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***Please note this is a virtual class. The start and end times are Alaska Standard time. A zoom link will be sent to your email the day before the scheduled class.***

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Breathwork for Beginners

Breathwork for Beginners

Welcome to our virtual breathwork class, designed specifically for beginners like you. Take a moment to pause, breathe, and embark on a transformative journey towards self-care and self-discovery. In this immersive experience, we will guide you through the power of breath, igniting a new way to connect with yourself and feel amazing. Join us as we explore the beauty of breathwork, combining spirituality, adventure, and mindfulness. Get ready to tap into your inner wisdom and embrace a path of serenity and rejuvenation. Let's begin this transformative journey together.

This class includes a 72-hour replay of class. The recording will be sent to all registrants after the conclusion of class.

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***Please note this is a virtual class. The start and end times are Alaska Standard time. A zoom link will be sent to your email the day before the scheduled class.***

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Breathwork for Connection

Breathwork for Connection

Step into a realm of tranquility and self-discovery as we explore the power of breathwork for connection. In this transformative journey, we will unlock the profound wisdom that lies within our breath, guiding us towards personal growth and emotional healing. Harnessing the energy of our breath, we embark on a spiritual adventure, opening ourselves to a deeper sense of connection with ourselves, others, and the world around us. Through the gentle rhythm of inhales and exhales, we invite serenity, rejuvenation, and a profound understanding of our own unique essence. Join us on this scenic path of mindfulness and embrace the transformative power of breathwork.

This class includes a 72-hour replay of class. The recording will be sent to all registrants after the conclusion of class.

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***Please note this is a virtual class. The start and end times are Alaska Standard time. A zoom link will be sent to your email the day before the scheduled class.***

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Soul Roaring Breathwork

Soul Roaring Breathwork

During the Thanksgiving weekend, we take the opportunity to contemplate the things we appreciate. However, it can also be a period of elevated pressure and anticipation. Let's pause to reconnect with our inner selves through Soul Roaring Breathwork. This empowering and nurturing practice combines the ancient wisdom of breathwork with modern mindfulness techniques. Through rhythmic breathing exercises and guided meditation, you will tap into the depths of your soul, unlocking hidden insights and healing pathways. Immerse yourself in the serenity of this spiritual adventure, as you navigate scenic landscapes of the mind and heart. Join us on this transformative path towards inner peace, rejuvenation, and a profound sense of self. Let your soul roar with vitality and purpose.

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***Please note this is a virtual class. The start and end times are Alaska Standard time. A zoom link will be sent to your email the day before the scheduled class.***

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Grief Cleanse Using Breathwork

Grief Cleanse Using Breathwork

Are you struggling with the weight of grief and looking for a way to release it? Look no further than a class dedicated to grief release using breathwork. This unique and powerful practice combines the healing power of breath with meditation to help you process and let go of your grief. Through intentional breathing techniques, you can tap into your body's natural ability to release emotions and find a sense of peace and healing. Joining a class specifically focused on grief release can provide a safe space where you can connect with others who are also on a similar journey, offering support and understanding. So take a deep breath, let go of your sorrow, and take the first step towards healing in a grief-release breathwork class.

This class includes a 72 hour replay of class. The recording sill be sent to all participants after the conclusion of class.

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***Please note this is a virtual class. The start and end times are Alaska Standard time. A zoom link will be sent to your email the day before the scheduled class.***

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Clearing Stress and Anxiety with Your Breath

Clearing Stress and Anxiety with Your Breath


In today's fast-paced world, stress and anxiety have become all too common. We are constantly bombarded with deadlines, expectations, and pressures that can leave us feeling overwhelmed. But what if I told you that there is a simple yet powerful tool that can help you clear away stress and anxiety? Enter the class to clear stress and anxiety with your breath. This unique class focuses on harnessing the power of our breath to bring about a sense of calm and relaxation. Participants will tap into their body's natural ability to reduce stress and anxiety by using deep belly breathing in a rhythmic pattern that activates the body's relaxation response, leading to a sense of peace and tranquility. So why not give it a try? Join the class and discover how the power of your breath can help you clear away stress and anxiety, leaving you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

This class includes a 72 hour replay of class. The recording will be sent to all participants after the conclusion of class.

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***Please note this is a virtual class. The start and end times are Alaska Standard time. A zoom link will be sent to your email the day before the scheduled class.***

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Breathwork for Beginners

Breathwork for Beginners

Welcome to our virtual breathwork class, designed specifically for beginners like you. Take a moment to pause, breathe, and embark on a transformative journey towards self-care and self-discovery. In this immersive experience, we will guide you through the power of breath, igniting a new way to connect with yourself and feel amazing. Join us as we explore the beauty of breathwork, combining spirituality, adventure, and mindfulness. Get ready to tap into your inner wisdom and embrace a path of serenity and rejuvenation. Let's begin this transformative journey together.

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***Please note this is a virtual class. The start and end times are Alaska Standard time. A zoom link will be sent to your email the day before the scheduled class.***

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Breathwork for Connection

Breathwork for Connection

Step into a realm of tranquility and self-discovery as we explore the power of breathwork for connection. In this transformative journey, we will unlock the profound wisdom that lies within our breath, guiding us towards personal growth and emotional healing. Harnessing the energy of our breath, we embark on a spiritual adventure, opening ourselves to a deeper sense of connection with ourselves, others, and the world around us. Through the gentle rhythm of inhales and exhales, we invite serenity, rejuvenation, and a profound understanding of our own unique essence. Join us on this scenic path of mindfulness and embrace the transformative power of breathwork.

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***Please note this is a virtual class. The start and end times are Alaska Standard time. A zoom link will be sent to your email the day before the scheduled class.***

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Soul Roaring Breathwork

Soul Roaring Breathwork

Embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and deep connection with the power of Soul Roaring Breathwork. This empowering and nurturing practice combines the ancient wisdom of breathwork with modern mindfulness techniques. Through rhythmic breathing exercises and guided meditation, you will tap into the depths of your soul, unlocking hidden insights and healing pathways. Immerse yourself in the serenity of this spiritual adventure, as you navigate scenic landscapes of the mind and heart. Join us on this transformative path towards inner peace, rejuvenation, and a profound sense of self. Let your soul roar with vitality and purpose.

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***Please note this is a virtual class. The start and end times are Alaska Standard time. A zoom link will be sent to your email the day before the scheduled class.***

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Introduction to Breathwork

Introduction to Breathwork


Are you interested in experiencing the transformative power of breathwork? Now is the perfect time to embrace this life-changing practice and give it a go! Let Cindee be your trusted guide as she leads you through a journey that will deeply connect you to your heart. Who knows, this breathwork experience might just have the same profound impact on your life as it did on ours. Best of all, it's completely free!

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***Please note this is a virtual class. The start and end times are Alaska Standard time. A zoom link will be sent to your email the day before the scheduled class.***

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Breathwork for Beginners

Breathwork for Beginners

Welcome to our virtual breathwork class, designed specifically for beginners like you. Take a moment to pause, breathe, and embark on a transformative journey towards self-care and self-discovery. In this immersive experience, we will guide you through the power of breath, igniting a new way to connect with yourself and feel amazing. Join us as we explore the beauty of breathwork, combining spirituality, adventure, and mindfulness. Get ready to tap into your inner wisdom and embrace a path of serenity and rejuvenation. Let's begin this transformative journey together.

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***Please note this is a virtual class. The start and end times are Alaska Standard time. A zoom link will be sent to your email the day before the scheduled class.***

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