Breathe Alaska

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Holiday Stress - Ho Ho Ho!

Ho Ho Ho Holiday Stress!  It is that time of year that we all look forward to with anticipation and happiness only to find ourselves overwhelmed, tired and stressed as we bake, fill our social calendars, wade through commercialism, buy, mingle and celebrate while we are feeling like we don’t have enough time to get through it all.  Let’s face it people, we place a lot of pressure on ourselves to create merriment, joyous times and holiday spirit for our families, friends and coworkers.  Whether it be hosting a Thanksgiving meal for many, dealing with holiday financial stress, creating the “perfect” holiday environment in our homes or perhaps dealing with loneliness and isolation at the holidays. The holidays can be exhausting! 

It is important to be mindful or aware that our responsibilities at the holidays do cause stress and consequences deeper than we realize.  Oftentimes we can react to that stress in unhealthy ways like overindulging or not permitting ourselves time to relax.

However you approach this holiday season, it is safe to say that you are probably nurturing others more than yourself! I’m here to tell you that you deserve to take care of yourself during this time.  It’s more important now than ever!  Taking the time to nurture and care for yourself, whether it be a walk, enjoying a cup of coffee or tea, reading a book, petting a furry friend, hugging your children or just taking time to sit and enjoy some peace and quiet will help you to manage your wellbeing and obligations.

It is the time when we need to give back to ourselves the most, in order to be present and operating at our best.  Sometimes we just can’t quiet our brains especially when we are going full steam ahead.  We at Breathe-Alaska, can help you with that.  Come join us for a breathwork session to bring calm, peaceful serenity to yourself.  You deserve it.  You are worth it. Give yourself a gift of breathwork today and let the festivities of the season comfort you like a warm blanket as you celebrate.  We wish you the best and hope to see you soon!