Breathe Alaska

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Revamping Your Life: Choosing a Healthier Path at the Crossroads

Crossroads.  We have all heard this phrase before.  For some it might be the lyrics to a blues song, to others a title of a novel, to most it is a reckoning, a time to make choices.  I believe that we have all been at a crossroad in our lives.  Some are good and some not so good, but each time we have arrived at a crossroad, decisions need to be made.

I have a friend who recently left her job.  She spent far to many hours feeling depressed, angry, and helpless about the situation at her workplace.  After a particularly rough year, she found herself at a crossroad.  Should she stay with her job and tough it out?  Should she make the leap and attempt a new career, forged with the knowledge and skills that she possessed?  It was a difficult decision for her, however, she braved the unknown, buffed up her resume and started over.  15 years of experience behind her, or was it? 

Leaving her former career was certainly liberating to her, however, the fear of the unknown created a new stress for her.  Sleepless nights, self doubt, insurance worries, self criticism all started to creep their way into her thoughts and with it, anxiety.  She passed her crossroad but still had a journey to travel.  

Being the amazing person that she is, she began to form a plan and set aside time for herself to exercise and heal her soul.  I look up to her every day and wish that more people, including myself, had the ability to reset the mind, body and soul.  

I believe that in part, that is why Breathe Alaska is so important to me.  It offers me a chance to focus on what I need to be a healthier, more complete person.  My journey into breathwork has given me the ability to bring calmness into my chaotic thoughts, to offer space for me to process my thoughts without self recrimination.  Breathwork offers me the ability to disengage from stressors and just be at peace with life.  At my crossroad, I chose to breathe, not just for my body, but also for my soul.  If you are at a crossroad and finding that you are experiencing similar things, come join us here at Breathe Alaska and choose a new path. We will be happy to see you.